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Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Reports

Pupil Premium

The Government gives an additional Pupil Premium grant to schools, which is additional to main school funding. This is given as a way to address underlying inequalities between ‘disadvantaged’ pupils and their ‘advantaged’ peers. ‘Disadvantaged’ describes pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), those who have been eligible in the past six years (Ever6), or children who have been in care at some point in their lives. Schools also receive a smaller amount of funding for the children of serving military personnel.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium grant as they see fit. However, we are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. Debbie Kimber, our Inclusion Lead works with the Headteacher and the Governing Body to decide on the allocation of the funding and to monitor its impact. 


Sports Premium

Sport Premium funding, also known as Olympic Legacy funding, for Physical Education and School Sport was announced by the government in March 2013. The new ‘ring-fenced’ funding – only to be spent on PE and Sport – will go directly to schools with the aim of improving the quality of provision in every state primary school in England. Individual schools will decide what is best for their children’s needs.  At Saint John's, we have identified the following areas for development:

  • Ensuring children are active each day
  • Developing staff subject knowledge and skills
  • Increasing participation and fostering a life-long ‘love’ of PE and school sport

Our aim is to use the Sports Premium grant to enhance the opportunities for our children and to improve the skill set of our staff so that should the grant be discontinued, our children are still receiving a fantastic sports provision. Hope Sanders is our PE Lead and works with the Headteacher and Governors to agree the spending of the Sports Premium grant. 


Please see below for current Pupil Premium and Sports Premium reports.

The SEND Information Report can be found on the Policies section of the website.