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Parent Information

Below is information about various aspects of "school life" which we hope will help you understand more about what your child is doing at Saint John's. 

Please can I also encourage you to look at the Early Help section as there is some useful advice for parents about many different things. One concern for parents can be devices and screen time.  Perhaps have a look at this website link for guidance from the NSPCC: NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online

At the bottom of the page is a glossary.  This gives you a list of explanations for some of the words that we use in school (like EHCP or FSM) which not everyone knows!  Please do have a look.

Finally, please know that we want to hear the views of parents and carers. If it is about your child, please use Dojo to communicate with the class teacher.  If your question, concern or positive comment is more general, then please contact the office who can forward the email to the relevant person. Mrs Beevers is always happy to meet with parents to discuss wider school issues and enjoys meeting with parents during her "Tea with Mrs B" events.

If you would like to tell Ofsted how we are doing, then please use the following login.  It is always lovely to hear about the positives that parents feel about how your children are flourishing at Saint John's.

The School Day

The school starts for all year groups with the gate opening at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm.

Hot Dinners

These are provided by the county contractor, Caterlink.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a hot meal free of charge.

Juniors can be provided with a hot meal at a cost of £2.71 per meal. 

If you wish your child to begin having hot school lunches, please contact the School Office so the activation codes can be issued for online payment via ParentPay, or via PayPoint. The nearest PayPoint to the school is Albion Stores (just across the road from the school).  Please note: your Parent Pay account must be in credit for us to order your child's lunch.


This is provided free of charge for under 5 year olds, after which it is subsidised. You can register for either free or charged milk in the following ways:


We actively encourage all of our children to wear school uniform as we feel that it is important for children to have a sense of belonging to our school community.

The school uniform can be ordered direct from our suppliers: Monkhouse Schoolwear:

Alternatively, you can visit Monkhouse in Cheltenham and speak with the staff there about uniform.  They may not have uniform in stock, but will be able to explain the procedure for buying uniform.

PMG SchoolWear also provide our school uniform:

Please also be aware that we have some second-hand uniform which the PTFA has sold at different school events.  There is also a system in place for buying second-hand uniform on line. The office has this information.

Finally, please can we remind families to ensure that all uniform is NAMED, as we have a lot of children "losing" their cardigan/sweatshirt when they put it down. It is very tricky to find items that are unnamed!


  • Royal blue school cardigan or sweatshirt (with logo)
  • Grey/charcoal grey/black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
  • Yellow school polo shirt (with logo)
  • Socks - blue, grey, navy or white
  • Tights - black, grey or navy
  • Black school shoes


  • Black/charcoal grey tailored shorts with yellow polo shirt
  • Blue/white or yellow/white checked or striped dress
  • Blue school cardigan or sweatshirt (with logo)
  • Black school shoes

PE and Games Lessons

  • T-shirt - house colour (available from school)
  • Shorts or tracksuit bottoms/leggings - navy or black
  • A pair of pumps, plimsolls or trainers
  • Socks - grey/navy/white (tights and leggings are not suitable for PE)

Each child needs a labelled bag in which to keep their kit. This is to be kept in school throughout the term.

Jewellery and Hair

Children should not wear jewellery of any kind. To prevent injury during P.E. lessons, children with newly-pierced ears must cover the earrings with a plaster. Those children who wear religious items should contact the head teacher to discuss arrangements for wearing these during P.E. lessons.

We encourage children to wear their hair tied back.  This helps in a variety of ways, including fewer distractions and less likelihood of head lice moving from one child to another.